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Fabrication: Neoden YY1

The basic usage of this exporter is:

kikit fab neodenyy1 [OPTIONS] BOARD OUTPUTDIR

When you run this command, you will find file top_pos.csv and bottom_pos.csv in OUTPUTDIR. This file can be used in Neoden YY1. KiKit automatically detects the number of layers.

If you want to name your files differently, you can specify --nametemplate. This option takes a string that should contain {}. This string will be replaced by gerber, pos or bom in the out file names. The extension is appended automatically.


For Neoden YY1 you must specify --assembly option and provide the board --schematic <schematics_file>. KiKit will generate files: top_pos.csv (top layer component placement) and bottom_pos.csv (bottom layer component placement). Use these two files to assembly PCB on machine.

On Neoden YY1, the position origin must use the bottom left corner of the board edge.

Correction of the Footprint Position

It is possible that orientation footprints in your SMD does not match the orientation of the components in the SMD assembly service. There are two solutions:

  • correct the orientation in the library or
  • apply KiKit's orientation corrections.

The first option is not always feasible - e.g., when you use KiCAD's built-in libraries or you are preparing a board for multiple fabrication houses and each of them uses a different orientation.

KiKit allows you to specify the origin and orientation correction of the position. The correction is specified by YY1_CORRECTION field. The field value is a semicolon separated tuple: <X>; <Y>; <Rotation> with values in millimeters and degrees. You can read the XY corrections by hovering cursor over the intended origin in footprint editor and mark the coordinates. Note that first the rotation correction is applied, then the translation. Usually, you will need only the rotation correction.